Education Solutions

The Media Mouth Education Solutions

The Media Mouth Education Solutions ‘Making Media’ workshop gives students the chance to work with an industry professional to produce their own podcast. Suitable for Key Stages 1-4. Half and full days available. One-off workshops. Plus an opportunity to further develop ideas and to put a longer term plan in place.



The Workshop

Tailored to target the specific needs of your group – we begin by exploring forms of communication and our consumption of ‘media’ in everyday life.

With a specific focus on Radio, we work towards preparing an audio package (podcast) by identifying areas of content to explore, eventually recording the students reading out news reports and stories and conducting interviews within their group (and any brave staff that are willing to help!)

Throughout the session we work together to achieve:

Development of Speech & Language skills

-Awareness of Social Media; appropriate use, impact and benefit

-Developing Numeracy skills; time management & target audio length

-Team work and identifying skills of the individual to produce what is required

-Research into local culture, history, environment and sport.



Susan provides an engaging and stimulating experience for students which develops their wider literacy, oracy and team building skills.  As such she can help schools to widen their extra curricular and enrichment provision.

Tim Brunt, Deputy Head, Thomas Alleynes High School

It was a thoroughly enjoyable morning for both students and staff. We really enjoyed taking part in lots of interactive activities to enable students to think outside of the box and Susan’s calm approach with the students made them feel at ease and brought out their confidence to get involved in recording their own podcast. It was really pleasing to see the students enjoying themselves and learning lots about radio and their own skills, some of which were newly discovered during the day. Thank you Susan for an inspirational morning.

Mrs Capper, MFL Teacher Chesterton Community Sports College

Susan Hanks came in to do a workshop and the class had a great time. We played some really fun radio related games and learnt new radio terminology. At the end of the day, we created our own podcast which was really fun.

Brandon, pupil at Chesterton Community Sports College



Years of experience in Primary and Secondary Education working with children with Special Educational Needs has given me the insight into how to differentiate and plan tasks effectively. Long term placements in Pupil Referral Units, working with ASD students; both in a Specialist Unit and within mainstream setting, enable me to diversify and ensure that each child is able to achieve their individual targets and fully experience all that the workshop has to offer. Where needed I can work alongside classroom support staff to follow IEP’s.

Suitable for:


Further and Higher Education

In addition to my ‘Making Media’ workshop, I’m an associate Lecturer for Sheffield Hallam University. I deliver their ‘Making Comedy’ Module for Performing Arts Students in their final year. I coach the writing and development and eventual performance of a five minute Stand Up routine, performed under ‘gig’ conditions to the public by the students.


What to Expect

Knowledge from an industry professional shared in a fun and creative way with your students. You will have your own Podcast produced to listen back to and share with parents, Governors and your community to showcase the outstanding work that takes place in your school and the opportunities you offer. There is a chance to expand on the work that we start and further explore what has been inspired, just ask and let’s get motivating the media stars of the future!